SKU: ST002 Category:

Ofor seed is a local soup thickener in Nigeria. Ofor seed is very nourishing and rich in vitamins. A study shows that ofor seed may be a good source of carbohydrate, fibre, minerals, vitamin C, vitamin B, folic acid and could also contribute to the daily requirement of proteins and fats. Ofor is a condiment used for making ofor soup or as a thickener for soups. The aromantic flavor makes it a good alternative for preparing most of the traditional soups. It is a perfect substitute / alternative for achi or ukpor for Oha ,bitter leaf and Ukazi soup.

SKU: ST002


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Here are some soups that use Ofor as a thickening agent:
Oha Soup (Ora Soup): A traditional Igbo soup made with Oha leaves, assorted meats, and often thickened with Ofor for a rich, smooth texture.
Nsala Soup (White Soup): A delicacy from the Igbo tribe, made with catfish or chicken, yam, and spices, and thickened with Ofor to give it a hearty consistency.
Bitterleaf Soup (Ofe Onugbu): Made with bitter leaves, assorted meats, and sometimes thickened with Ofor to balance the flavors and achieve the desired thickness.
Atama Soup: A soup from the Efik and Ibibio people, made with atama leaves, palm nut extract, and assorted meats, often thickened with Ofor to enhance its texture.
Ukodo (Yam Pepper Soup): A spicy yam soup that sometimes uses Ofor as a thickening agent to give it a more substantial consistency.


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